Sunday, February 7, 2010

Electrician Level 4

After a couple electrical projects I'm starting to feel more comfortable with this. Today I had a breakthough I have not had yet while doing a project. I got all the tools ahead of time I knew I was going to need. This was the first time I didn't have to make a second trip to get more stuff. Only took me a year and a quarter. So i finished running the new wiring in the basement to fix what our "certified electrician" had done. Ran all new wiring and used the old knob and tube holes to run the wires through. I have no idea why he didn't do that first time! Then i fished the wires up to the light switch through another knob and tube hole, instead of the hole in the wall created by my dad and i when we were ripping out the floors in the living room. Now i don't have to worry about hanging myself on wires when going to do the laundry. Electrician ftw. Still haven't gotten a hang of the formatting but above are some before and after pictures.