Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Moblin Maze Mongers

Being sick over the holiday weekend (still going) was terrible, but I did find a little time for FFXI and I was invited to an "mmm party". Mmmm m&m's... NO not m&m's MMM's. What's MMM? Moblin Maze Mongers of course. Now honestly, i had no idea what was going on, and I still have no idea how it works, but I went in with a group, killed some mobs, got lots of xp and it only took 30 mins. It was fun. Unfortunately the party lead was a doosh and people kept quitting or we could have kept going. I then got my own map from the little quest guy and went in myself. That was an awful idea. Was only able to fight 3 guys within the thirty minutes got 150 xp and then got booted. I'm still learning about them but I think im gonna drag hobo in and we'll try it out duo or maybe include nick and trio. but I definitely want to learn more about it. MMM FTW.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I'm Crazy

me: uzbekin
Vlad: saw wombat blog
and pete's RIA
you guys are crazy
especially you
me: ueaj
Vlad: u-e-a-j

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

PS3 Move

So I went out and got PS3 Move tonight. We got the EA Active 2 game Will give a review about that sometime. But we got the bundle with the Sports Champions game. Its pretty sick so far. I was rockin the archery and the disc golf. Archery is nice I was dominating the Bronze Cup. Will have to try out the Silver cup tomorrow but the batteries started to die on the controller. The nice thing is I don't need to replace batteries like with the Wii controller, it has the same internal battery like the PS3 controller and since i already have a charger. I'm in business :). It seems to pick up movement a lot better than the wii. It also (at least with sports champions) lets you recalibrate before each game. I think some people would find that annoying but I like it. It lets me make sure i'm all set up to dominate. Oh, now I think i want to open a Video Game bar. Where nerds can come and hangout get wasted with other nerds. of course everyone would be welcome but it would just be a different sort of atmosphere.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Yeah I know I'm gimped. But i keep wanting to level blu instead of workin on NIN. its the suck. Got my jubbah yesterday. I was sportin it in town. Yellin jubbah just to let everyone know. No one knows what I'm talking about but thats cool with me. I'm havin fun. Runnin in a 5k this weekend and probably going to do some outdoor electrical work. Should be an exciting weekend. Oh everyone is invited to Thanksgiving Dinner on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Gonna be cookin and just keepin stuff warm all day. There will be beer and food. So just hit me up.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Master Bedroom Suite Complete

Finally found time to actually post some pictures of the finished product. Hobo I have been in the new bedroom for a little over two weeks and we're loving it. It's so nice to sleep in an actual bed again. We now have a nice little walk in closet to hide all our stuff which is great. And the bathrooom is just sick. I can't believe all the work we put into this and its finally paying off. Its funny we were so exhausted but now we're bored out of our minds. We'll probably start on the 2nd bathroom after the holidays. Shouldn't be anywhere near as bad as the bathroom we just created.

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