Wednesday, November 17, 2010

PS3 Move

So I went out and got PS3 Move tonight. We got the EA Active 2 game Will give a review about that sometime. But we got the bundle with the Sports Champions game. Its pretty sick so far. I was rockin the archery and the disc golf. Archery is nice I was dominating the Bronze Cup. Will have to try out the Silver cup tomorrow but the batteries started to die on the controller. The nice thing is I don't need to replace batteries like with the Wii controller, it has the same internal battery like the PS3 controller and since i already have a charger. I'm in business :). It seems to pick up movement a lot better than the wii. It also (at least with sports champions) lets you recalibrate before each game. I think some people would find that annoying but I like it. It lets me make sure i'm all set up to dominate. Oh, now I think i want to open a Video Game bar. Where nerds can come and hangout get wasted with other nerds. of course everyone would be welcome but it would just be a different sort of atmosphere.

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