Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Travelin and Spellin

So I reviewed my current Blue Mage spells and realized I was missing at least 15 spells at my current level of 63. I couldn't have this so I decided to map out a plan of how to get some of the spells. I ended up traveling across most of Vana'diel. First I started in Beucedine Glacier where I fought Bat Eyes in order to get Eyes On Me. Let me tell you that spell is pretty devastating to me taking off a quarter of my 1000+ hp. I then picked up a traveler, Binkie, and we continued through Batallia Downs to The Eldieme Necropolis. Here we fought Ka to learn Dimensional Death. It was a pretty quick learn. I was then like, oh lets head to Rolanberry since we're right here and fight some Ochus for Bad Breath... Bad Idea! We were in Rolanberry for an hour punching ochus. We picked up a third traveler here for a bit. I just don't understand they used the spell a bunch I just couldn't seem to learn it. When we finished I wanted to pack it in but thought since we have 3 people we might as well try to get a tough one. We then traveled to Garliage Citadel into the depths and fought some Tainted Flesh. Took 3 tries but I learned Stinking Gas. I then lost my party and ended up going to Yuhtunga Jungle fighting Sahagin for Hydro Shot, this also took 3 tries. 3 was the theme of the night after this. After navigating out of the maze that is the jungle I headed to Qufim Island where I fought a single kraken to learn Maelstrom. This is where Binkie joined back up with me as we went to one more area. First we traveled to Bastok, I hate Bastok btw, through North Gustaberg to Oldton Movopolis. Here we fought Bugbears and Moblins to learn Flying Hip Press and Frypan respectively. It only took a few fights for each. We had one epic moblin battle where we took on 4 moblins at once but Binkie kept it under control with sleep. All in all it was a good night.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sky Breaker

Thanks to my wife and friend Nick, I have expanded my level cap to 65. We were traveling all over Vandiel. Much easier with Hobo castin teleports all over the place. First Hobo and I duoed Davoi to get into the depths of the monastic cavern, snuck past some scary high level Orcs and got my crest. Then we picked up nick and headed to Castle Ostroja. This place is a gigantic maze. This definitely took the longest as we got lost a couple times and had to escape out and try again. When we got to the alter room there were a ton of yags with true site. I'm sorry Nick died a couple times but I do appreciate the effort to achieve the goal. Finally we went through the Quadav camp to get the final crest. We got to fight the Ruby Quadav, my blue mage was reduced to a glorified white mage, but Magic fruit is amazing by the way. givin back almost 300 per cast. Finally returned back to Jeuno and got my cap increased. Next cap should be a lot easier before my 1 on 1 blue mage showdown.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

157 Calories Burned

Well there was an update to FFXI last night (Ended up being 3 hours on the xbox). So I thought, maybe I'll try Hobo's EA Active 2. Lesson 1. On ps3, you need to set up a new PS3 profile in order to play under a different account in the game. It kept trying to put me on hobo's schedule. Well I finally got it right, and it gives nice tutorials for first time players and then gives you the option to skip them if you know what you're doing. I did a 30 min workout 28 stations. It had lots of different excercises and was pretty tough. I pushed myself pretty hard, but not too bad since I'm still sick. I've gotta say, it keeps all kinds of stats so I love it. Hopefully I can keep up with it. It only took 30 mins for a workout and I had worked up a good sweat by the end. Definitely recommend it for home workouts for the winter months.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Ding 60BLU/28NIN

Still slightly gimped but that's ok. Finally got in my first party since returning. Wajoam Woodlands fighting lesser colibri. It was fun, I was tanking for a bit got my shadows and my stone skin, definitely wouldn't want to keep doing it but it seemed to work while the tank was gone. Gotta go do my next limit break now. I'll prob die a couple times. but it should be fun.