Wednesday, December 8, 2010

157 Calories Burned

Well there was an update to FFXI last night (Ended up being 3 hours on the xbox). So I thought, maybe I'll try Hobo's EA Active 2. Lesson 1. On ps3, you need to set up a new PS3 profile in order to play under a different account in the game. It kept trying to put me on hobo's schedule. Well I finally got it right, and it gives nice tutorials for first time players and then gives you the option to skip them if you know what you're doing. I did a 30 min workout 28 stations. It had lots of different excercises and was pretty tough. I pushed myself pretty hard, but not too bad since I'm still sick. I've gotta say, it keeps all kinds of stats so I love it. Hopefully I can keep up with it. It only took 30 mins for a workout and I had worked up a good sweat by the end. Definitely recommend it for home workouts for the winter months.

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