Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Travelin and Spellin

So I reviewed my current Blue Mage spells and realized I was missing at least 15 spells at my current level of 63. I couldn't have this so I decided to map out a plan of how to get some of the spells. I ended up traveling across most of Vana'diel. First I started in Beucedine Glacier where I fought Bat Eyes in order to get Eyes On Me. Let me tell you that spell is pretty devastating to me taking off a quarter of my 1000+ hp. I then picked up a traveler, Binkie, and we continued through Batallia Downs to The Eldieme Necropolis. Here we fought Ka to learn Dimensional Death. It was a pretty quick learn. I was then like, oh lets head to Rolanberry since we're right here and fight some Ochus for Bad Breath... Bad Idea! We were in Rolanberry for an hour punching ochus. We picked up a third traveler here for a bit. I just don't understand they used the spell a bunch I just couldn't seem to learn it. When we finished I wanted to pack it in but thought since we have 3 people we might as well try to get a tough one. We then traveled to Garliage Citadel into the depths and fought some Tainted Flesh. Took 3 tries but I learned Stinking Gas. I then lost my party and ended up going to Yuhtunga Jungle fighting Sahagin for Hydro Shot, this also took 3 tries. 3 was the theme of the night after this. After navigating out of the maze that is the jungle I headed to Qufim Island where I fought a single kraken to learn Maelstrom. This is where Binkie joined back up with me as we went to one more area. First we traveled to Bastok, I hate Bastok btw, through North Gustaberg to Oldton Movopolis. Here we fought Bugbears and Moblins to learn Flying Hip Press and Frypan respectively. It only took a few fights for each. We had one epic moblin battle where we took on 4 moblins at once but Binkie kept it under control with sleep. All in all it was a good night.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sky Breaker

Thanks to my wife and friend Nick, I have expanded my level cap to 65. We were traveling all over Vandiel. Much easier with Hobo castin teleports all over the place. First Hobo and I duoed Davoi to get into the depths of the monastic cavern, snuck past some scary high level Orcs and got my crest. Then we picked up nick and headed to Castle Ostroja. This place is a gigantic maze. This definitely took the longest as we got lost a couple times and had to escape out and try again. When we got to the alter room there were a ton of yags with true site. I'm sorry Nick died a couple times but I do appreciate the effort to achieve the goal. Finally we went through the Quadav camp to get the final crest. We got to fight the Ruby Quadav, my blue mage was reduced to a glorified white mage, but Magic fruit is amazing by the way. givin back almost 300 per cast. Finally returned back to Jeuno and got my cap increased. Next cap should be a lot easier before my 1 on 1 blue mage showdown.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

157 Calories Burned

Well there was an update to FFXI last night (Ended up being 3 hours on the xbox). So I thought, maybe I'll try Hobo's EA Active 2. Lesson 1. On ps3, you need to set up a new PS3 profile in order to play under a different account in the game. It kept trying to put me on hobo's schedule. Well I finally got it right, and it gives nice tutorials for first time players and then gives you the option to skip them if you know what you're doing. I did a 30 min workout 28 stations. It had lots of different excercises and was pretty tough. I pushed myself pretty hard, but not too bad since I'm still sick. I've gotta say, it keeps all kinds of stats so I love it. Hopefully I can keep up with it. It only took 30 mins for a workout and I had worked up a good sweat by the end. Definitely recommend it for home workouts for the winter months.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Ding 60BLU/28NIN

Still slightly gimped but that's ok. Finally got in my first party since returning. Wajoam Woodlands fighting lesser colibri. It was fun, I was tanking for a bit got my shadows and my stone skin, definitely wouldn't want to keep doing it but it seemed to work while the tank was gone. Gotta go do my next limit break now. I'll prob die a couple times. but it should be fun.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Moblin Maze Mongers

Being sick over the holiday weekend (still going) was terrible, but I did find a little time for FFXI and I was invited to an "mmm party". Mmmm m&m's... NO not m&m's MMM's. What's MMM? Moblin Maze Mongers of course. Now honestly, i had no idea what was going on, and I still have no idea how it works, but I went in with a group, killed some mobs, got lots of xp and it only took 30 mins. It was fun. Unfortunately the party lead was a doosh and people kept quitting or we could have kept going. I then got my own map from the little quest guy and went in myself. That was an awful idea. Was only able to fight 3 guys within the thirty minutes got 150 xp and then got booted. I'm still learning about them but I think im gonna drag hobo in and we'll try it out duo or maybe include nick and trio. but I definitely want to learn more about it. MMM FTW.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I'm Crazy

me: uzbekin
Vlad: saw wombat blog
and pete's RIA
you guys are crazy
especially you
me: ueaj
Vlad: u-e-a-j

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

PS3 Move

So I went out and got PS3 Move tonight. We got the EA Active 2 game Will give a review about that sometime. But we got the bundle with the Sports Champions game. Its pretty sick so far. I was rockin the archery and the disc golf. Archery is nice I was dominating the Bronze Cup. Will have to try out the Silver cup tomorrow but the batteries started to die on the controller. The nice thing is I don't need to replace batteries like with the Wii controller, it has the same internal battery like the PS3 controller and since i already have a charger. I'm in business :). It seems to pick up movement a lot better than the wii. It also (at least with sports champions) lets you recalibrate before each game. I think some people would find that annoying but I like it. It lets me make sure i'm all set up to dominate. Oh, now I think i want to open a Video Game bar. Where nerds can come and hangout get wasted with other nerds. of course everyone would be welcome but it would just be a different sort of atmosphere.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Yeah I know I'm gimped. But i keep wanting to level blu instead of workin on NIN. its the suck. Got my jubbah yesterday. I was sportin it in town. Yellin jubbah just to let everyone know. No one knows what I'm talking about but thats cool with me. I'm havin fun. Runnin in a 5k this weekend and probably going to do some outdoor electrical work. Should be an exciting weekend. Oh everyone is invited to Thanksgiving Dinner on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Gonna be cookin and just keepin stuff warm all day. There will be beer and food. So just hit me up.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Master Bedroom Suite Complete

Finally found time to actually post some pictures of the finished product. Hobo I have been in the new bedroom for a little over two weeks and we're loving it. It's so nice to sleep in an actual bed again. We now have a nice little walk in closet to hide all our stuff which is great. And the bathrooom is just sick. I can't believe all the work we put into this and its finally paying off. Its funny we were so exhausted but now we're bored out of our minds. We'll probably start on the 2nd bathroom after the holidays. Shouldn't be anywhere near as bad as the bathroom we just created.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A while

It's been a while since I've updated this. The master bedroom suite is almost finished. Hobo got a new GTI and Penn State is in the tank. At least the phils post season starts today. Going to try to start to use this moar. Probably won't. Lazyin'.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Max and Rib 20100717

(9:22:02 AM) Max: BP
(9:22:30 AM) Rib: RAGE
(9:22:44 AM) Max: ha
(9:23:03 AM) Max: is michele happy there is a cap now?
(9:23:08 AM) Rib: NO
(9:23:12 AM) Max: win
(9:23:17 AM) Rib: she says its only temporary
(9:23:17 AM) Max: OIL
(9:23:22 AM) Rib: all over
(9:23:26 AM) Rib: hahahah
(9:23:51 AM) Max: Psyche
(9:23:55 AM) Max: - the e
(9:24:20 AM) Rib: the hell
(9:24:32 AM) Max: USA HD
(9:24:55 AM) Rib: the hell
(9:24:57 AM) Rib: hd
(9:25:01 AM) Max: HD
(9:25:14 AM) Rib: the hell
(9:25:17 AM) Rib: hd?
(9:25:20 AM) Rib: SOT
(9:25:28 AM) Max: ?
(9:25:30 AM) Max: Sot?
(9:25:35 AM) Rib: speaking of tanks
(9:25:54 AM) Rib: what project you doin today
(9:25:58 AM) Max: haha
(9:25:59 AM) Max: shit
(9:26:04 AM) Max: Wall tiling
(9:26:09 AM) Rib: damn
(9:26:17 AM) Max: mch
(9:26:38 AM) Rib: what kind of tile
(9:26:44 AM) Rib: little tile or big tile
(9:27:00 AM) Rib: kitchen backsplash or bath
(9:27:01 AM) Max: 4x4
(9:27:04 AM) Rib: win
(9:27:17 AM) Max: shower and half wall around the rest of the bathroom
(9:27:37 AM) Rib: what color
(9:27:39 AM) Rib: black
(9:27:40 AM) Rib: pink
(9:27:42 AM) Rib: multi
(9:27:46 AM) Rib: white
(9:27:46 AM) Max: Brownin
(9:27:49 AM) Max: ha
(9:27:52 AM) Rib: pup
(9:28:27 AM) Max: ha
(9:28:43 AM) Max: you watchin Psych now?
(9:28:52 AM) Rib: boycott on tv
(9:29:09 AM) Max: ueaj?
(9:29:12 AM) Max: you faggin?
(9:29:38 AM) Rib: always
(9:29:50 AM) Rib: nah im typin and bein attacked by dogs
(9:30:20 AM) Max: bitin
(9:31:26 AM) Rib: kojoin
(9:31:51 AM) Max: K9
(9:31:54 AM) Rib: ha
(9:32:22 AM) Rib: hobo tilin
(9:32:31 AM) Rib: or super'n
(9:32:38 AM) Rib: gonna yell
(9:32:46 AM) Rib: stop talkin to rib
(9:32:51 AM) Rib: get tilin
(9:32:53 AM) Max: nah shes still sleepin
(9:32:57 AM) Rib: win
(9:33:18 AM) Rib: you ragin with a tile saw
(9:33:23 AM) Max: yah
(9:33:24 AM) Max: mch
(9:33:30 AM) Rib: ah shit
(9:33:35 AM) Rib: bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
(9:33:39 AM) Rib: water saw
(9:33:41 AM) Rib: win
(9:33:46 AM) Max: bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
(9:35:28 AM) Max:
(9:37:29 AM) Rib: toothpaste
(9:37:32 AM) Rib: pizza
(9:37:35 AM) Rib: lamps
(9:37:37 AM) Rib: ...
(9:37:40 AM) Rib: jackie chan
(9:37:45 AM) Rib: awwwwwwwwww
(9:38:20 AM) Max: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(9:39:26 AM) Rib: toooo funny
(9:40:15 AM) Rib: goin to the farmers market
(9:40:39 AM) Max: pick me up some snausage
(9:40:49 AM) Rib: FVS
(9:40:55 AM) Max: ?
(9:40:55 AM) Rib: fruits veggies saussage
(9:40:57 AM) Max: ha
(9:40:59 AM) Rib: ha
(9:41:07 AM) Max: man
(9:41:10 AM) Max: we should eat
(9:41:26 AM) Rib: humans
(9:41:26 AM) Rib: ?
(9:41:34 AM) Max: human meat
(9:41:36 AM) Max: ha
(9:41:42 AM) Rib: and man milk
(9:41:44 AM) Max: mm
(9:41:49 AM) Rib: mmm mmmm mmmm
(9:42:05 AM) Max: mmm mmm mmm
(9:42:42 AM) Max: CTD
(9:42:54 AM) Rib: ?
(9:43:01 AM) Max: Crash Test Dummies
(9:43:04 AM) Rib: ha
(9:43:04 AM) Rib: ha
(9:43:05 AM) Rib: ha
(9:43:06 AM) Rib: yes
(9:43:27 AM) Max: Really. I think i should save all IM conversations i have
(9:43:31 AM) Max: look at this shit
(9:43:46 AM) Max: SOT
(9:43:49 AM) Rib: ha
(9:43:55 AM) Rib: publish it as a book
(9:44:01 AM) Rib: put it on a blog
(9:44:05 AM) Max: ooh
(9:44:08 AM) Max: Bloggin
(9:44:12 AM) Rib: yea
(9:44:13 AM) Max: ha
(9:44:15 AM) Rib: bloggin
(9:44:17 AM) Rib: blogspot
(9:44:20 AM) Rib: blogger
(9:44:21 AM) Max: slowbump
(9:44:25 AM) Rib: blogtastic
(9:44:33 AM) Max: blogasaurus
(9:44:40 AM) Rib: blog a rama
(9:44:49 AM) Rib: bloog
(9:44:50 AM) Max: OIC WAT U DID THAR
(9:44:57 AM) Rib: ha
(9:45:49 AM) Rib: entered text
(9:45:55 AM) Rib: not typin
(9:45:58 AM) Rib: norin
(9:46:02 AM) Rib: sleepin
(9:46:12 AM) Rib: cut hand off with tile saw
(9:46:23 AM) Rib: not typin
(9:46:25 AM) Max: ha
(9:46:35 AM) Rib: IMY
(9:46:43 AM) Rib: ILY
(9:46:54 AM) Max: Title: Max and Rib 20100717
(9:46:59 AM) Rib: YES
(9:47:00 AM) Max: ha
(9:47:23 AM) Rib: you wanna get together for a bbq id love to see you house
(9:47:36 AM) Max: shood be done in august
(9:47:40 AM) Rib: cool
(9:47:50 AM) Max: yah im game for that after we're finished
(9:47:53 AM) Rib: F'n august
(9:47:56 AM) Max: ha
(9:47:58 AM) Max: auggin
(9:48:10 AM) Rib: augnastino
(9:48:23 AM) Rib: chele itchin to leave
(9:48:28 AM) Rib: shufflin the purse
(9:48:32 AM) Rib: pacin
(9:48:38 AM) Max: WE NEED VEGGIES
(9:48:52 AM) Rib: and saussage
(9:48:53 AM) Max: ha
(9:48:57 AM) Max: smoke it
(9:49:02 AM) Rib: ill be outside sweatin smokin salmon
(9:49:21 AM) Max: terrible
(9:49:21 AM) Rib: my new weight loss plan
(9:49:26 AM) Rib: sweatin
(9:49:28 AM) Rib: pacin
(9:49:30 AM) Rib: starin
(9:49:35 AM) Rib: keys rattlin
(9:49:38 AM) Rib: starin
(9:49:44 AM) Rib: im gonna go now
(9:49:47 AM) Rib: you wanna come
(9:49:49 AM) Max: peas
(9:49:50 AM) Rib: norin
(9:49:52 AM) Rib: hahahah
(9:49:54 AM) Rib: ok
(9:49:57 AM) Rib: buh
(9:49:59 AM) Rib: bye

Monday, July 5, 2010

First Round Under 100

Went to Neshaminy Valley GC with my dad and had a hell of a run. Finally shot under 100 for the first time in my life. No birdies, but 4 pars. My dad chickened out after 13 holes but thats ok because it was 23094320493 degrees out. Hopefully this link posts correctly... check it out. Bah, it posted my charts, but thats ok. I guess it will update whenever I update my scores... pretty cool site.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Looks like a penis. Ha
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Friday, May 7, 2010

Inspections Round 1 Complete

Well I can't believe it, but we passed our first 3 inspections. The electrical guy gave me some work to do before the final inspection. The plumber did a great job according to the inspector and he had nothing bad to say about Holly's and my framing job. We'll be throwing up insulation this weekend and getting that inspected hopefully early next week. Then it will be time to build a bathroom! Mothers day this weekend. I will be cooking a ham for Holly's family and then going out to breakfast with my mom on Sunday. The rest of the weekend will be work on the house. Woo we passed!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Above ground sump pump retrofit (continued)

I guess you can only post 4 pictures per blog. so i added another to show the progression.
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Above ground sump pump retrofit.

Well the battle with the sump pump is finally over. I was finally able to install the sump pump tonight with my slightly engineered above ground basin. Basically the issue was I had a small 5 gallon basin with my old sump pump which couldn't pump out water draining from our washing machine fast enough. It eventually rusted out and died so we bought a new sump pump. Of course when i brought the new one home it did not fit in our basin. So i bought a new nice 18 gallon basin. Now the problem arose that it did not have a side intake on the basin. After travelling to multiple supply stores it was finally recommended to me to go to a pool supply store for the piece I needed. So tonight I finally got to test out my plumbing skills and install this new sump pump. It went pretty smoothly at first. Laid out all the supplies i needed. Drilled the hole in the side of the bucket 15 inches high on center. Make sure its high enough so the waterline does not reach. but alas, the hole i drilled was an 8th of an inch too small. Why? because I had a 2 1/8 inch hole saw which I use to install doorknobs so I thought it would work. Of course a job is never complete without a trip to Lowes. Ran to Lowes got my new shiny 2 1/4 inch hole saw and I'm ready to roll. I drill the new hole (By the way, if you need to drill a hole on top of an existing hole with a hole saw... so many holes... use a piece of spare wood behind the hole you're trying to drill. It worked wonders.). installed the flange or whatever its called so now I have a nice drain into the side of the basin. I then added a threaded pipe to the pump and cut a 12" drain pipe to connect with the threaded pipe in the pump. These pieces are connected with a rubber compression gasket. Seems to work fine. I haven't seen any water coming out of it. Then on the side of the basin, I used a similar setup. Had a threaded pipe into the flange, and cut another piece of pipe to fit to the drain under the utility sink. Tested the pump out and it pumped like a champ. Covered it all up and cleaned up. I think i may get a new lid, it seems like it will leave water in the basin, and I don't want that to make the basement stink. Oh well, that should be an easy change.

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

And then the rains came.

So we get home from being out during a fun torrential downpour and what do we find? Our shed is chilling in our neighbor's backyard. As you can see the stuff inside the shed stayed put as well as the floor of the shed. Now along with a new bathroom and bedroom it looks like we're now in the market for a new shed.
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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Electrician Level 4

After a couple electrical projects I'm starting to feel more comfortable with this. Today I had a breakthough I have not had yet while doing a project. I got all the tools ahead of time I knew I was going to need. This was the first time I didn't have to make a second trip to get more stuff. Only took me a year and a quarter. So i finished running the new wiring in the basement to fix what our "certified electrician" had done. Ran all new wiring and used the old knob and tube holes to run the wires through. I have no idea why he didn't do that first time! Then i fished the wires up to the light switch through another knob and tube hole, instead of the hole in the wall created by my dad and i when we were ripping out the floors in the living room. Now i don't have to worry about hanging myself on wires when going to do the laundry. Electrician ftw. Still haven't gotten a hang of the formatting but above are some before and after pictures.